Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Job

I have a new job!!! Last week I applied for a position as a Case Manager/SSW in the Adult Outpatient department of Wasatch Mental Health, where I currently work as a secretary. I went through two rounds of interviews and was almost 99% positive that I wouldn't get the job. I am way under qualified and there were several other applicants that already had their SSW license. Thursday morning I got a call from my boss who was on his way out of town offering me the job! I was shocked and super excited! He said I have a lot to learn, but he thinks I'll do great in the position and is excited to have me start! There are two classes that I have to take during this next year while I get in so many clinical supervision hours. After that, I can take a test and get my SSW license. I'm so excited and nervous to start my new job Monday. Wish me luck - I'll need it!


  1. congrats! You are going to do a great job!

  2. Today was your big day! I hope everything went well for you. I'm glad your boss gave you the opportunity to grow. I hope you had a great first day!!

  3. Hi Emily! I just found your blog through Laura's and it was fun to read and "catch up." Hope all is well with you!

  4. Hey Wow!! I found you from Dave and Kathy's blog. Anyway, I majored is SW too!! I have my BSW and that's it, but that's cool we have that in common!! I'd love to talk to you about what you've done in the field. Lets chat at the next get together, okay? I think this job sounds so great!! Honestly, I think Mental Health is sooo interesting and rewarding!! I hope you LOVE it!!
    P.S. This is Matt's wife.

  5. Oh, and I LOVE The Scarlet Pimpernel!! Yeah, we'll talk. ;)
