Monday, June 1, 2009

Jammin day!

Ok, so, that title probably makes you think of something else, but Saturday Amy and I made strawberry jam. It is soooooo yummy!! We were a little ambitious and bought 3 flats of strawberries. 2 flats and 6 batches later, we decided not to do the last flat and just eat those instead. I love strawberries!! The jam turned out so good and I'm excited to eat some more when I go home! Maybe I'll get ambitious again and make some homemade bread to go with it - maybe... :)

Chris and Joseph kept the kids entertained so that Amy and I could get our jammin on, and it was fun! The best part was hearing the 'pop' when the jar sealed. We got really excited each time and giggly - how old are we? I had Chris take a picture, but it didn't turn out the best, so I don't have any picutres of it...maybe next time. Thanks for sharing your jam skills with me Amy! I can't wait to do more!

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